All posts by jorhel

Project Consortium Meeting 16 August

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 16th of August. Biokraft, Cortus, NSR, Q Power and BEIC were represented.

Several test runs have been conducted during the summer. Initially there was some problems with a CO analyzer but it was replaced in the beginning of July. Since bottled hydrogen was available, a test run with hydrogen addition was conducted, even though it was not part of the project application.

The biological methanation pilot plant will be dismantled and returned back to Finland at the end of August.

The next project consortium meeting is scheduled to the 20th of September at 13:00 CEST as an online meeting.

SynFerm visits FAU

On the 1st of August 2024, Jörgen Held visited Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).
The Chair of Energy Process Engineering, Prof. Jürgen Karl and his co-workers conduct research related to among others biomass gasification, syngas cleaning, tar reforming, and biological and catalytical methanation.

From left: Thomas Trabold,  Jakob Müller and Daniel Koch, FAU, in front of a reactor for microbial research.
Photo: Jörgen Held

SynFerm visits EnergyLab

On the 24th of July Jörgen Held visited EnergyLab in Vigo, Spain.
Gerardo Rodríguez Vázquez, Innovation and Markets Director gave an overview of the EnergyLab activities, such as dark fermentation, hydrogen production, distribution and utilisation, biological methanation, syngas fermentation, thermal gasification, gas cleaning and purification followed by a highly appreciated tour through the different laboratories,

Biogas lab
From left: Gerardo Rodríguez Vázquez, Innovation and Markets Director, Elena Olaya, Senior Researcher Biomethane and Sonia Pascual, European projects unit and manager of the HYDEA project.
Photo: Jörgen Held

Elena showed the counter-current trickle bed reactor for syngas fermentation as well as reactors for hydrogen production through dark fermentation of organic waste.

Fuel cell lab
Joaquín Grassi, Senior Researcher Hydrogen and SOEC electrolysis shows a fuel cell and highlights some of the associated R&D activities.
Photo: Gerardo Rodríguez Vázquez

Gasification lab
Xandre Costas, Junior Researcher gasification, shows the fluidised bed gasifier and the subsequent catalytic tar reforming reactor.
Photo: Gerardo Rodríguez Vázquez

The activities include among others the use of pulverized seashells for sorption enhanced gasification and co-gasification of sewage sludge with different types of biomasses.

It was concluded that there is a strong common interest between the SynFerm project and other projects where BEIC is involved and the activities at EnergyLab.


SynFerm visits CEDER (Spain)

On the 15th of July, Jörgen Held visited CEDER, a spanish research centre focused on renewable energy in general, and thermochemical conversion of biomass and waste in particular.

CEDER is part of the public research body, CIEMAT.

Raquel Ramos (the former director) and Miguel Fernández, chief scientist presented the ongoing and planned activities related to gasification and pyrolysis. Jörgen Held exchanged information related to the SynFerm project, the Horizon Europe project, CarbonNeutralLNG and the newly started Interreg South Baltc project, LoCaGas.

From left: Miguel Fernández, Jörgen Held and Rachel Ramos.
Photo: Alea Held Roque

Remark!  CIEMAT is a member of the SynFerm Technology Transfer and Dissemination Multiplier Board,


Project Consortium Meeting 12 June

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 12th of June. Biokraft, Cortus, Q Power and BEIC were represented.

The high-pressure storage hs been filled with syngas and the pressure is currently 133 bar. The biological methanation plant has been fed with syngas successfully for two weeks. The initial feeding rate was 5 L/min but later it was ramped up to 12 L/min. Currently there is a technical problem with a gas analyzer. The supplier has been involved to sort out the problem.

The next project consortium meeting is scheduled to the 16th of August at 10:00 CEST as an online meeting.

Project Consortium Meeting 17 May

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as a hybrid meeting on the 17th of May. Biokraft, Cortus, Q Power and BEIC were represented.

The meeting was combined with the last preparations for the start up of the biological methanation with syngas from the Cortus gasifier.
Q Power personnel has been onsite since Monday and the microbes have been fed with carbon dioxide and hydrogen from bottles since Tuesday.

The next project consortium meeting is scheduled to the 12th of June at 10:00 CEST as an online meeting.