Tag Archives: biogas

Visit at CEDER in Soria, Spain

On the 13th of July, Jörgen Held, BEIC, visited the Center for the Development of Renewable Energies (CEDER), a Spanish research centre in Soria belonging to CIEMAT.

CEDER specializes in the applied research, development and promotion of renewable energies. The RD&D activities focus on the energy use of biomass throughout its value chain, studies related to wind energy in low power wind turbines and the search for practical solutions for the integration of renewable generation sources and storage systems in smart microgrids. CEDER has a team of professionals with high technical qualifications and demonstrative technological infrastructures, which also provide technical support to national and international energy companies and institutions.

CEDER hosts several pilot scale and demonstration plants, including two pilot scale gasifiers. One bubbling fluidised bed and one circulating fluidised bed gasifier.

From the left: Jose Maria Sanchez-Hervas, Head of Combustion and Gasification Division, CIEMAT, Jörgen Held, CEO BEIC, Raquel Ramos, Director of CEDER, in front of the pilot scale bubbling fluidised bed gasifier.
Photo: Luis Esteban, Head of Biomass Unit, CEDER.

CIEMAT is working on anaerobic digestion and has a strong interest in syngas fermentation considering the well-developed Spanish forest sector (feedstock supply), the extensive gas grid (distribution) and many gas customers (end users). CIEMAT is part of the SynFerm Technology Transfer and Dissemination Multiplier group and Dr. Raquel Iglesias will be invited to talk at the SynFerm conference organised in collaboration with REGATEC 2024, 15-16 May in Lund, Sweden.