Tag Archives: Technology Transfer and Dissemination Multiplier group (TTDM)

First TTDM meeting

On the 13th of September the first SynFerm Technology Transfer and Dissemination Multiplier (TTDM) meeting took place as an online event.

Representatives from the European Biogas Association, CIEMAT,  Institute for Biogas, Waste Management & Energy and Lithuanian Energy Institute listened to presentation from Biokraft International AB, Cortus Energy AB, Q Power Oy and Baltic Energy Innovation Centre (BEIC).

Ragnar Stare, Biokraft International AB gave a presentation on Biokraft’s activities and facilities.

Staffan Hellsén, Cortus Energy AB, gave a presentation on Cortus´ WoodRoll gasification technology.

Anni Alitalo, Q Power Oy, gave a presentation about Q Power’s biological methanation technology.

Jörgen Held gave a short introduction to the the SynFerm project

The TTDM group pointed out that syngas fermentation is not very well known or understood  by the public and nor by the biogas sector.
As a response to this need, the SynFerm project will organise two full sessions related to methanation and syngas fermentation in collaboration with REGATEC 2024, 15-16 May in Lund, Sweden.