Visit at DTU

On the 21st September Jörgen Held, BEIC visited Associate Professor Ioannis V. Skiadas and Associated Professor Hariklia N. Gavala at Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. The visit resulted in interesting discussions and a highly appreciated guided tour in the DTU laboratories.

Already in 2006 Ioannis and Hariklia started applying for public funding related to syngas fermentation. During the years they have developed a co-current trickle bed reactor able to convert syngas derived from gasification of woody biomass.

Ioannis V. Skiadas and Hariklia N. Gavala in front of the mobile pilot trickle bed reactor. The reactor has been used to demonstrate conversion of real syngas produced at the Danish Gas Technology Centre. Photo: Jörgen Held

Hariklia will give a presentation on the syngas fermentation activities at DTU at the SynFerm conference organised in collaboration with REGATEC 2024, 15-16 May in Lund, Sweden.