WP2 meeting

On the 21st of February Cortus, Q Power, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels and BEIC discussed the details of the upcoming measurement campaign, instrumentation, the interface between the syngas production (Cortus) and the syngas fermentation (Q Power). A new meeting will take place on 3rd of March to discuss the layout of the pilot testing at the Höganäs site.

Project consortium meeting

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 13th of February.
All the project partners were represented.
The logo, the platform for file sharing and the poster to be presented at REGATEC 2023 are finalised. The  Consortium Agreement (CA) was discussed and separate meetings regarding the CA and input for the preparatory concept study were set up.

The next project consortium meeting will take place on the 14th of March.

SynFerm kick off meeting

The SynFerm kick off meeting took place as an online meeting on the 16th of January.
All the project partners were represented.
The coordinator went through some formalities and practicalities. The work plan was discussed to ensure that every project partner is aware of its responsibilities.

The next project consortium meeting will take place on the 13th of February.

Syngas fermentation