Category Archives: News

Visit at Q Power Oy

On the 8th of June, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels and BEIC visited Q Power Oy in Pargas, Finland.

Q Power Oy is a technology provider of biological methanation and responsible for the lab scale tests and providing a mobile pilot plant to be installed at the Cortus’ site in Höganäs, within the SynFerm project.

From left: Jörgen Held, BEIC, Ragnar Stare, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels and Marko Niskanen, Q Power Oy in front of the mobile pilot plant.
Photo: Anni Alitalo, Q Power Oy

Project Consortium Meeting 22 May

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 22nd of May.
Cortus, Q Power, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels and BEIC were represented.
The project is in good progress and follows the time schedule. The  Consortium Agreement (CA) has been signed by all partners.
SynFerm participated with a poster at REGATEC 2023 and it is evident that syngas fermentation is a hot topic.

The next project consortium meeting will take place on the 28th of June at 10:30 CEST.

SynFerm Technical Meeting 28 April

The technical meeting was moved from 14 April to 21 April and later to 28 April to ensure that the participant organisations, Cortus, Q Power and BEIC, had signed the Consortium Agreement.

The documentation related to the pilot plant has been translated from Finnish to English by Q Power. Cortus has placed the order regarding the 1,000 Nm3 high pressure storage system and the expect delivery is in August.

Practical details such as odorisation and the potential impact on the biological methanation, and effluent water management were discussed.

The next Technical Meeting is scheduled to 11 May at 10:00-12:00.


Project Consortium Meeting 13 April

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 13th of April.
All the project partners were represented.
The  last details of the Consortium Agreement (CA) were discussed.
Electronic signing of the CA is expected next week.
The pilot testing will be advanced in time 1 month (i.e., start installation 1 September instead of 1 October) to ensure some marginal to a subsequent project at the Höganäs site.

The next project consortium meeting will take place on the 22nd of May at 10:00 CEST.

SynFerm technical meeting 30 March

The technical meeting was moved from 23 March to 30 March.
Cortus, Q Power and BEIC participated.
After input from Höganäs Sweden AB, the final location for the pilot plant was decided. The interfaces regarding electricity, signal (monitoring and control), synags, reject water, flue gases and saftey gas (CO2) were discussed.

The aim is to start the pilot testing in September, one month before schedule, to not interfer with the Biomethaverse project, which starts 1 January 2024.

Next technical meeting will be at 13:00 on the 14th of April.

Project Consortium Meeting 14 March

The SynFerm consortium meeting took place as an online meeting on the 14th of March.
All the project partners were represented.
The  Consortium Agreement (CA) was discussed.
A draft of the REGATEC 2023 abstract has been prepared and will be circulated for comments/approval.
The visit to Q Power is scheduled to the 8th of June.

The next project consortium meeting will take place on the 13th of April at 11:00 CEST.

SynFerm technical meeting

On the 9th of March Cortus, Q Power, SBF and BEIC had an online meeting to discuss the layout of the measurement campaign (WoodRoll + Q Power’s pilot plant), including area classification diagram and safety limits, connections, signal interface, regulations and limits regarding waste water, flue gases (combustion of the methanated syngas) etcetera.

A follow meeting is scheduled to the 23rd of March.

WP2 meeting

On the 21st of February Cortus, Q Power, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels and BEIC discussed the details of the upcoming measurement campaign, instrumentation, the interface between the syngas production (Cortus) and the syngas fermentation (Q Power). A new meeting will take place on 3rd of March to discuss the layout of the pilot testing at the Höganäs site.